1 séndok Pistil Saffron
320 g Carnaroli Sangu
125 g mantega
1 Bawang
80 g grated kéju Parmesan
40 g bodas Anggur
mun rasa cai
1 l Kaldu Sayuran
mun rasa uyah
carana make
Saffron mangrupa bungbu kuna, geus dipikawanoh dina waktu Mesir. Dina awal ieu dipaké ukur keur ngalelep di fabrics sarta nyieun parfum na ointments tapi sakali kapanggih sipat kuliner na endah, eta jadi bahan berharga jeung nu nyieun masakan ngeunah jeung Pokna emas kayaning saffron risotto. piring mimitina ieu, di essentiality na, ngaronjatkeun kana pangalusna nu qualities aromatik of saffron tapi teu ukur, hatur nuhun kana kakuatan ngawarnaan kuat, nu séréal béas anu embellished ku warna emas pikaresepeun tur captivating nu ngajadikeun piring jadi husus. A magic leutik nu digabungkeun jeung touch creamy of creaming, dilawan dina persiapan risotto, bakal mere Anjeun risotto kalayan rasa unik tur unmistakable.
To make the Saffron Risotto, first put the pistils in a small glass, pour over the water just enough to cover the pistils completely, stir and leave to infuse for the whole night. In this way the pistils will release all their color. |
Then prepare the vegetable broth, for the recipe it will take a liter. If you don't have time to prepare it you can use vegetable broth cubes. |
Peel and finely chop the onion so that it can melt in cooking and not be perceived while savoring the risotto. |
In a large saucepan pour 50g of butter taken from the total necessary dose, melt it over low heat, then pour the chopped onion and let it stew for 10-15 minutes adding some broth so as not to dry the sauté: the onion must be very transparent and soft. |
Once the onion is stewed, pour the rice and toast it for 3-4 menit, so the beans will seal and keep the cooking well. Add the white wine and let it evaporate completely. At this point proceed with the cooking for about 18-20 menit, adding the broth a ladle at a time, when needed, as it will be absorbed by the rice: the beans must always be covered. |
Five minutes before the end of cooking, pour the water with the saffron pistils that you had put in infusion, stir to flavor and dye the risotto of a beautiful gold color. |
After cooking, mareuman panas, uyah, stir in the grated parmesan cheese and the remaining 75 g of butter. Stir and cover with the lid let rest a couple of minutes, at this point the saffron risotto is ready! Serve it hot while garnishing the dish with some pistil. |