
Velvety Waluh Jeung Kentang Sup

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Velvety Waluh Jeung Kentang Sup

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Saluyukeun Servings:
1 Kg waluh koneng
200 g Kentang
1 lt Kaldu Sayuran
80 g Bawang
1 ciwit hideung Lada
1 ciwit uyah
60 g Tambahan Virgin Olive Minyak
1 ciwit kayu manis Bubuk
1 ciwit pala
For Croutons
30 g Tambahan Virgin Olive Minyak
100 g Roti

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Anjeun kedah lebet atawa ngadaptar mun tetengger / favorit eusi ieu.

  • Healty
  • cahaya
  • vegan
  • vegetarian
  • 50
  • fungsi 4
  • gampil


  • For Croutons

carana make


Waluh téh ratu undisputed of gugur … Unmistakable sarta dipikawanoh ku saréréa pikeun rasa amis na dipaké dina loba nu resep anu bagian tina tradisi kuliner Italia, kayaning waluh dipanggang atawa waluh risotto. Kami geus dipilih pikeun ningkatkeun pidangan sakabeh rasa, nambahkeun ngan sababaraha rempah jeung ngarobahna kana kadaharan kanyamanan nikmat: krim waluh. Panas jeung lada, eta mangrupakeun persiapan pisan serbaguna, idéal ngawula nyalira salaku sup sarta sampurna salaku condiment ka enrich loba masakan séjén: kasuksésan sok dijamin! Anjeun oge bisa nyieun variasi aslina keur menu Lebaran Anjeun! Diantara masakan husus paling hearty, krim waluh téh kakara samping éndah gugur!



To prepare the velvety pumpkin and potatoes soup, start by preparing the vegetable broth.


Then go to the pumpkin cleaning. Cut it into slices and remove both the outer skin and the inner seeds; at this point you have to obtain 600 g of pulp, then cut it into cubes.


Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.


Peel the onion, chop finely then transfer it to a pan with the oil and let it brown over low heat. Once the onion has changed color, add the pumpkin and potatoes. Add a part of the broth to cover all the vegetables, the rest will be added later. Season with salt and pepper. Cook over a low heat for 25-30 menit, adding more broth from time to time.


Sakali sayuran asak, turn off the heat and blend all with an immersion mixer, until a smooth and homogeneous cream is obtained.


Then add the cinnamon, nutmeg and mix everything. Your pumpkin cream is now ready!


To prepare tasty accompanying croutons, cut the bread into small cubes and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with the oil, cook for about 5 minutes in a preheated oven in grill mode, then take them out. Serve the pumpkin cream in a soup bowl adding the golden croutons on the surface.

Turn this cream of pumpkin into a delicate first course by adding rice or barley, previously blanched!

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