250 g 00 Irina
1 Arrautzak
10 g Butter
50 ml Esne osoa
1 Sugar
15 g Grappa
1/2 Limoi Azala
Peanut Oil
To Sprinkle
Azukre glasa
dumplings gozoa tastiest? Zalantzarik beteak dumplings, frijituak Inauteriak tratatzen duten dispense poza eta bondad. Errazteko, beren crumbly pastel-egokitze Irresistible dira, nutella bihotzean eta azukre-hodei bat. Beharrezkoa da kantitate handietan prestatu: batak bestera eramaten! Beteak dumplings diren Inauteriak prestatu Italiako eskualde askotan gozokiak dira. nutella edo jam betetako crumbly dumplings txikiak dira, bertan frijituak eta azukre-botata. gutunazal osatzen duen orea oso Chiacchiere duten antzekoa da, hau da ordea a lodiera zertxobait handiagoa bota, eta horiek egiteko prozedura erraza da. Saritua eta oso gozoak, Inauteriak dumplings dira guztiontzat gustatu, bai helduak eta haurrak. ona kantitate bat prestatu dezakezu, eta horietako batzuk bete zure ilarak gogoko pare batekin, eta hur eta txokolate krema batekin beste batzuk behin sorpresa bat dastatzeko egiteko. Inauteriak postreak gehienak bezala, gezur errezeta ere frijitzeko dakar. perfektua eta ez-greasy emaitza lortzeko, zaindu tenperatura ekarri buruz ra 170 º da konstante mantenduz, eta gutxi dumplings bat frijitu olio sakona da aldi berean.
To prepare the Fried Nuletta Stuffed Dumplings, gather all the ingredients in a bowl: irina, egg, soft butter, azukrea, esne, grappa, grated lemon zest and a pinch of salt. Mix everything until a soft and smooth dough is obtained. Form a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. |
Denbora honen ondoren, take the dough and take a portion taking care to leave the rest wrapped in plastic wrap. Flatten it slightly with a rolling pin to bring it to the maximum opening of the rollers of a pasta machine. Then pass the pasta several times until it is about 4 mm thick. |
With the help of a spoon or a pastry bag, place a series of Nutella or jam nuts on the bottom of the sheet (long side), well spaced from each other. Fold over the top half by applying a little pressure around the filling to eliminate the air. To seal the pasta well you can help yourself with a brush just dipped in a little water, in this way it will adhere better. |
Azkenik, with a wheel cutter, trim the edges and cut out many rectangles. Proceed in the same way until the end of the ingredients, kneading the scraps. |
Fry the stuffed lies, a few at a time, in peanut oil brought to 170 º, taking care to turn them on both sides. When they are golden, drain them with a slotted spoon and let them dry on kitchen paper. |
Sprinkle with icing sugar and serve. |