800 g Slices bradain4 pìosan
100 ML Extra Virgin Oilibh Ola
1 Lemon Juice
1 tuft peirsill
1/2 clòbh creamh
gus blas Salt
gus blas Black Pepper
For Artichoke
4 Artichokes
1 Lemon Juice
150 ML glasraich brot
1 clòbh creamh
1 gràinnean Salt
gus blas Extra Virgin Oilibh Ola
Reasabaidh airson a h-uile iasg a leannain a bhruich ann an dòigh shìmplidh a ghleidheadh a h-uile fìor dha-rìribh agus blas.
The Lemon Artichokes àmhainn Bhradain Gu dearbh tha an beartach agus a 'toirt cuireadh an dàrna soitheach, le sliseagan de Norwegian a' bhradain air a bhruich ann an àmhainn le emulsion ola, liomaid agus peirsill agus bha e air leabaidh de sautéed artichokes.
Impress thu do charaidean le dàrna cùrsa èisg le blas grinneachadh agus is urrainn dhut atharrachadh an taobh a-soitheach a mhaidseadh a rèir do chàil agus roghainnean!
To prepare the Lemon Artichokes Baked Salmon, start with artichokes that will accompany the salmon (if you prefer you can also clean the artichokes with gloves so as not to stain your fingers). In a large bowl pour cold water and squeeze the juice of a lemon; the water will not make the artichokes black as you cut them. Then remove all the stalk of artichokes with a knife, then remove the outer leaves with your hands until you reach the tender and white ones. Once the outer leaves have been removed, cut the tips of the artichoke then divide it in half. Then with a small knife remove the inner beard of the artichoke. Cut the artichokes into thin slices, then pour them hand to hand into the bowl with water and lemon. When you have finished the artichokes, drain them. |
Then in a large pan pour a little oil and the peeled garlic clove. Then pour the drained artichokes, stir and add a pinch of salt. |
While the artichokes are cooking, chop the parsley. Then squeeze the juice of a lemon. |
So take the fresh Norwegian salmon, thoir air falbh na droigheann as follaisiche le cuideachadh bho clò-bhualadair agus an uairsin cuir iad air treidhe bèicearachd air a lìnigeadh le pàipear bèicearachd agus bruich gach sliseag le emulsion ola is lemon. Faodaidh tu cuideachd beagan emulsion fhàgail gu aon taobh airson a chuir ris aig deireadh a’ chòcaireachd. |