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  • Vegano cremós alvocat gra sencer espaguetis (Pasta) amb cruixent de Cigrons

Vegano cremós alvocat gra sencer espaguetis (Pasta) amb cruixent de Cigrons

Vegano cremós alvocat gra sencer espaguetis (Pasta) amb cruixent de Cigrons

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ajust Porcions:
For Whole Grain Spaghetti
320 g Whole Grain espaguetis
460 g Alvocat
30 g suc de llima
20 g Oli d'oliva verge extra
1 pessigar sal
8 g cibulet
For Crispy Chickpeas
250 g Percooked cigrons
10 g 0 farina
10 g Oli d'oliva verge extra
1 pessigar sal
tastar Pebre rosa

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  • Ràpid
  • Sense gluten
  • healty
  • llum
  • vegetarià
  • vegetarià
  • 35
  • serveix 4
  • Fàcil


  • For Whole Grain Spaghetti

  • For Crispy Chickpeas



Els espaguetis de gra sencer amb crema d'alvocat i cigrons cruixents són un primer plat vegetarià i saborosa, perfecte per a un sopar amb amics o un menjar sa. La crema d'alvocat, amb la seva consistència mantegosa meravellosa i la frescor de la calç i la vivacitat dels cibulet, envolta sencers els espaguetis de gra en una abraçada de seda; cigrons, daurat al forn i embellit amb el refinament de flors del pebre rosa, donar al plat cruixent i entusiasme. Prova també l'irresistible barreja de sabors d'aquest senzill i original primer plat: el seu toc exòtic donarà gust i color, fins i tot als dies més grisos!



To prepare whole wheat spaghetti with avocado cream and crispy chickpeas, start by drying the chickpeas with kitchen paper. Put them in a bowl and add the flour. Mix well to flour the chickpeas uniformly, then put them in a baking tray lined with parchment paper and cook at 170 graus per 20 acta, until golden and crisp.


Then put them in a fine knit strainer and shake so as to cause the chickpea to lose excess flour. Transfer them to a small bowl and season them with the oil, sal, ground pink pepper and lime peel. Mix and keep warm.


mentrestant, boil the pasta in a pot with plenty of salted water that will have brought to a boil.


While the pasta is cooking take care of the avocado cream: cut the fruit in half lengthwise and remove the core. With a spoon, collect the avocado pulp and put it in a bowl. Season with oil and salt. Cut the lime in half and squeeze it to make the juice. Pour the juice into the bowl together with the avocado and finally blend in a fine cream with an immersion blender. Lastly add the chives to the cream, cut into slices with a pair of kitchen scissors.


Drain the pasta, which in the meantime will be ready and al dente and place it in a large bowl. Add a little oil if necessary and add the avocado cream, stirring immediately to prevent the pasta from sticking.


Serve the spaghetti and complete each dish with the crispy chickpeas. Your Whole Grainl Vegan Creamy Avocado Pasta with Crispy Chickpeas are ready to be tasted!

If you want an avocado cream with a stronger taste, add a clove of garlic squeezed just before blending!

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